Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Hiding In The Dark

This series was all about being hidden from the people and all the troubles around you. I looked into the idea of being pushed away from your loved ones or even trapped. One key factor that lead me to create these images, was mental illness. When most people hear that phrase they try to shy away from the subject and talk about something else. But what about the people that have to go through these problems on a daily basis and hear these people say 'just get over it' or 'Just think of all the people that are worse off than you'. Because to them, this feeling of being trapped and pushed away is normal for them on a daily basis. Just because you can't see what's inside their heads or what is happening, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Just the fact that people seem to lack understanding and empathy for people's feelings leave people stranded alone and fighting themselves. But everyone will have this feeling of isolation at some point in their lives. It's just how we deal with it that makes us come out stronger in the end.

Some people see this as an imperfection within themselves. Or the people around them see this as a flaw because they do not understand it. No one wants to carry their baggage around with them, but it is something that we cannot help, we are all the same and with that, no one is truly perfect.

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