Friday, 11 March 2016

Hidden Identity

This week at Uni we were asked to take some photographs that hide the identity of the person in the picture. There are various ways this could have been done, such as the use of shadows. 
However, I decided that I wanted to photograph the models hands. I tried to create a personality and story for the person without having to show their face and any physical emotions. My photographs for this series include several hints at what's happening in the 'story'. A face can show so much, but sometimes their emotions can give away the whole story. I find hands such a personal thing and they can hold a lot of information about how a person is feeling. 
Hiding someone's face means that the photographer can't give away any extra information, because someone's face holds a lot of stories and information from their body language and facial expressions. Their story can be shown in so many different ways. By using their hands, I got to decide how much of the story the audience would know. This also gives the viewer the opportunity to create a story of their own and add their input into the story. 
Photographs can mean different things to different people and the idea of a sad story always gets to people in various ways. Some may be able to relate to the story I have created and some may sympathise towards it. But either way they have been able to make their mind up instead of me forcing my perspective onto them. A picture can speak a thousand words and it can be better if they can be different for everyone rather than forcing a fixed opinion onto the audience. 

If you get a chance, please take the time to look at my University photography blog. It's more about the academic side of photography, showing how different techniques can give different outcomes.
Thankyou for reading!

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